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Druidry in Cambridge
Of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids (OBOD)
We are Corr réisc Grove, a Druid grove or group based in and around Cambridge, UK.
Our grove's name, Corr réisc, comes from
the Irish name for the heron, a majestic bird
that is often spotted along the river Cam.
We meet regularly to celebrate the
eight festivals of the Celtic year
and host online workshops
and other events too.

Beltane ceremony 2023
Happy faces after our invigorating ceremony on the common.

Will's interview on BBC Sunday Morning
A great opportunity to talk about our grove and the order!

Getting the word out
Spring awakens as the wheel of the year turns...

Beltane ceremony 2023
Happy faces after our invigorating ceremony on the common.
News & events
Our order
Our merry band - photo gallery
Come and find out more.
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