Finding us for
outdoor ceremonies
We meet either:
a) outside the Cambridge Museum of Technology, facing the river, between 10:30 and 10:45 (see the turquoise circle opposite).
b) on Stourbridge Common (see the yellow circle opposite) for 10:50
We usually wait at location a) for around 10-15 minutes at the location above before heading into the Common. If you are new to the group, location a) will give you the chance to meet the Herald for the ceremony and faces old and new before walking together to the space.
To join us if you are running late, walk straight into the Common, keep straight as you pass a children's playground to your right and as you enter the open fields down a wide dirt track, look to your left for a group of trees. Hopefully, you won't miss us!
Some events may take place in other locations for which further details will be sent to registered attendees.