New to Druidry?
You may have come across this website as you'd like to know more about Paganism, Druidry or how to connect more with the natural environment around us all. Or for something else entirely!
The Order of Bards Ovates and Druids (OBOD)
Whilst we've included some recommended resources to point you in the right direction for some further reading, you might wish to have a look at the OBOD website afterwards. We are an OBOD grove and our rites and events follow an OBOD 'format'.
OBOD offer an initiatory mystery school programme that correspond to the three grades of Bard, Ovate and Druid. You can order a trial pack of information and sample materials to see if it is for you. Many Corr Réisc Grove members are on different grades of the course.
Druid ceremonies or events
If you have never attended or taken part in a pagan/druidic/OBOD ceremony, worry not!
Our ceremonies are flexible, open to whatever you would like to bring or contribute and are inclusive of all identities. There are simple ceremony roles to have a go at, with pre-prepared lines to read out, but there is no obligation whatsoever to do so.
If you'd like to have an idea of what's involved, please get in touch with us.
If you've registered your attendance by emailing us, you will be given notice of a few items to prepare/bring, if needed, via an email to all attendees a few days before the gathering. We usually set up the space on the day but everyone who wishes to add items, decoration and ritual tools is welcome to do so.
We usually bring spare items for the ritual too, as needed, as well as paper booklets with the wording of the ceremony for attendees to follow.
Ceremonies will be conducted with social distancing where possible and other measures will be in place.
We hope to be of help on your journey, wherever it might take you!
I am grateful for the space that you all create so wonderfully and how that enabled me to have confidence in sharing that with someone else. We're gonna make rituals a continuous thing now!
- Z (participant)
thank you for your heartwarming reply. I can see your commitment in Druidry and it has been lovely to read your email.
I would be happy to keep in touch and maybe find a chance to meet up in person.
- MC (online enquiry)