Hear from Tom, one of our members about his experience
as a druid, in this video.
Who we are
Corr réisc Grove is a Druid group based in and around Cambridge, UK. Our Grove's name Corr réisc comes from the Irish name for the heron, a liminal water-bird we often see fishing by the River Cam or flying overhead when we gather for our ceremonies and events.
The Grove represents the opportunity for those following a Druid path - or for those curious to discover more - to meet up around the eight festivals of the year and celebrate the seasons in a friendly and open ritual space.
'Meet' some of our members here.
We also communicate and host other events, by members and non-members. See our News and Events page for details of upcoming events and activities.
We are a seed-group of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD) but are open to all, whether OBOD members or not, from all walks of life. See our Inclusivity Statement for more information, or get in touch if you have any questions.

Beltane ceremony 2023

Will's interview on BBC Sunday Morning

Another invitation to a grove ceremony

Beltane ceremony 2023