Meet some members
Here, we can introduce one or two of our members who are writers, healers, artists and bards from all walks of life as well as their creative, spiritual, artistic and therapeutic offerings!
We showcase their work and services here as we take pride in the rich and diverse skills and abilities brought to our grove space. We also hope that you, too, will feel inspired through your particular offerings of labour and love, in a way that connects you to your limitless potential and to others in the pagan community, if so desired.
Some of our members offer the chance to purchase items and/or services through a separate website, accessed via a link provided below. We do not accept responsibility for any part of that transaction; any queries should be pursued through that grove member via the contact information provided.
If you are involved with the grove and would like to show your work or services in this space, please get in touch.
Will is the herald (or ritual lead) of Corr réisc Grove, having started the
community in 2019. He is a teacher, tutor,
artist, writer and researcher of Western
Esoteric traditions that sit around Druidry
as spiritual traditions.
Will is currently studying the art of celebrancy with OBOD (The Order of Bards Ovates and Druids), having written and led many of the grove's ceremonies for the eight festivals of the year for over five years. Will has also written a Bardic Re-committal ceremony and a Baby Naming ceremony.
Get in contact to find more from Will about creating and hosting ceremonies, tutoring or tarot readings. Click below to watch Will's interview on BBC Sunday Morning.

Tom is the Head of Welfare for an international arts college in Cambridge as well as a professional actor, musician and shamanic practitioner.
Tom most recently completed the
Sacred Trust’s three year, Shamanic practitioner
course and having trained in a range of holistic healing therapies, Tom offers many shamanic workshops throughout the year.
Much of Tom's support focuses on personal experiences such as power loss, connecting with the ancestors and achieving balance.
Read more about Tom and his shamanic practice on his website - www.cambridgecoreshamanism - and by clicking the link below:
Hear from Tom about his experience of being a grove member and a druid:
Agnieszka is a teacher, Medicine Woman and Sacred Healer who offers Reiki, Zero Balancing and Shamanic Healing in Cambridge.
Agnieszka writers about a number of subjects, including working with the spiritually-enhancing properties of cacao and invigorating a powerful connection to the element of earth: all topics informed by her rich and evolving personal practice.
Read more on Agnieszka's website - and by hitting the button below:

Suryamani ('jewel of the sunlight') is generally known as Surya and is a Dharma Druid. She delights in using her OBOD Druidry to enliven her Buddhist practise within the Triratna Buddhist Order.
She leads Silent Walking Meditation events and retreats along ancient trackways and earthworks and also teaches meditation to hospital staff
and on Buddhist retreats.
A lover of ceremony in Nature, she has been regularly performing Druid ceremonies up at Magog Downs each Summer and Winter Solstice and as an informal Celebrant. She has performed a number of ceremonies, such as a Baby Blessing Ceremony; a Love Loosening Ceremony and Pet Burial Ceremonies and co-created her own Coming of Age Ceremony (at 50).
Surymani also practices a range of hands-on therapies in Cambridge: Reiki, Touch for Health (Kinesiology), and massage. Find out more at
Irina is a graphic storyteller, whose art draws together influences from diverse visual narrative traditions, including Japanese manga, with its characteristic focus on the realms of the personal and the emotional.
Have a look at Irina's fantastic creations, including this wonderful image she produced after our Lughnasadh meeting in August 2022 (opposite) of the goddess Taìtiu, on her website: and on Instagram: @irinarichardsart.