Our main events each year involve an in-person ceremony to celebrate the eight seasonal festivals of the old Celtic calendar, which usually take place about 6 weeks apart.
These comprise of the four Solar Festivals: Alban Arthan (Winter Solstice), Alban Eilir (Spring Equinox), Alban Hefin (Summer Solstice), Alban Elfed (Autumn Equinox) and the four Agricultural Festivals commonly known as ‘Fire Festivals’: Imbolc (February 2nd), Beltane (April 30th), Lughnasadh (August 1st) and Samhain (October 31st).
Take a look at our public calendar of events.
We also now host online workshops and talks,
covering a range of concepts and aspects of druidic
and pagan practice, including exploring the symbolism
and meaning of tarot cards and working with the plant
and tree energies of the Celtic ogam / ogham alphabet.
All of our events are currently free to attend, although we do ask that attendees consider bringing items to use and share at our outdoor events.
Take a look at our current and past events below and please do get in touch if you have any questions.
To join us for the out-door and online events listed below, please send us an email to register your attendance.
You'll receive a ritual 'script' and list of items to prepare and bring for the day and if the event is online, you'll be emailed a Zoom link with any further details for logging on on the day.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.