Come and celebrate with us at a new location in Cambridgeshire!

Saturday 19th March 2022 14:00 GMT
Book your place now via our Eventbrite page.
About Alban Eilir
As the Sun grows warmer, so life begins to show through the soil. Small signs at first – the daffodils and crocuses – then more green as the bluebells and wood anemones spread through the woodland. Plants are seen by some as inanimate greenery with no actual feelings and life force. But Druids see life in all living things, from rocks and stones, to rivers and springs, plants and trees – all life is sacred. Have you ever thought about how you recognise the beginning of Spring? Is it the plant life? The weather? How does a plant know when it is time to grow? It cannot tell the time or see a calendar. Yet it knows. If it has senses, then it has consciousness, if it has consciousness then it is more than an inanimate life form. So it is the return of life to the Earth that is celebrated at Alban Eilir, the time of balance. One of the inner mysteries of Druidry is the Druid’s egg. Life-giving, it is the egg protected by the hare, which is the symbol of Alban Eilir – still celebrated by the giving of Easter eggs by the Easter bunny (from the OBOD website).
Alban Eilir, meaning "The Light of the Earth" is the Druid festival of the Spring Equinox. As one of two days of the year when light and dark are equal length (the other being the Autumn Equinox), Alban Eilir celebrates the balance of the seasons, and is a time to open to the quality of balance in our own lives.
This ceremony
This particular ceremony will be facilitated by Suryamani (Sunstone). We will take part in a silent processional walk (for around 30 mins) to connect with the land of the Magog Downs, circling the base of the Little Trees Hill, ending at its summit by the neolithic burial mound. We will connect to the Spirit of Compassionate Awakening in combining energies of both Druidic and Buddhist ritual practices, uniting members of both and all communities.
Meeting place

Please note that the meeting point for this ceremony will be the Magog Downs carpark and not our usual meeting place near Stourbridge Common. Location: Haverhill Rd, Stapleford, Cambridge CB22 5FX
The carpark costs £3 to park.
First time with us?
If you have never attended or taken part in a pagan/druidic/OBOD ceremony, worry not! Our ceremonies are flexible, open to whatever you would like to contribute and inclusive of all identities. If you'd like to have an idea of what's involved, please get in touch with us.
We are mindful of the weather and dress appropriately, bringing water, a hat, suntan cream, coat and waterproofs, etc. Come rain or shine, hail or snow, we will meet!
After the ceremony
After the ceremony, we will head back to the Magog Downs carpark picnic area for tea and cake. For social distancing reasons, please bring your own flasks and edibles.
Food and drink (usually alcoholic, sometimes non-alcoholic) are usually brought after an outdoor gathering, though we won't be partaking of any for this ceremony. As always, however, there is no requirement to bring anything or to take part in having something to eat and/or drink, particularly if you are socially distancing.
Usually, we share gifts of music, poetry and readings for a small Eisteddfod after a ceremony although on this occasion, we will do so within the ceremony. If you would like to express an interest in sharing any offering of creativity, please get in touch by emailing us.
Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date with this and future events and please do get in contact if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you for a fantastic Alban Eilir celebration!