The Wheel of the Year has almost completed one full turn as we approach the start of the Pagan New Year that sees lanterns and bonfires being lit across the countryside. The Final Harvest of the ageing year awaits...
Sunday 29th October 2023, 10:30 - 12:30

Background photograph: copyright: (c) Adobe Stock
About Samhain
The word Samhain is pronounced Sow (as in Cow) Inn, and is sometimes written in the Old Scottish Gaelic form as ‘Samhuinn’. It is said that at this special time of Samhain, the veil that separates the worlds is at its thinnest. So our world, the world of Faerie, and that of the dead, blend as one. On this night, the Cailleach (the Crone) comes to strip the leaves from the trees, to quicken the decay of the flesh of the year, so that it may feed the new life to come. We can also ask Her to take the unwanted aspects of our personal year away, so that these too might be transformed (from the OBOD website).
The days start to shorten as the balance of light and dark, witnessed at Alban Elfed (the Autumn Equinox), gives way to the oncoming night and we turn inwards to look for warmth and shelter away from colder, crueler weather. Our flocks and family are our priority for the Winter; survival is now the spiritual focus of our minds and bodies. Those that have passed on before us return to strengthen our resolve and show us that with inevitable decay must come new life in the spring.
Meeting place

We will meet outside the Cambridge Museum of Technology, facing the river, at 10:30.
Location for gathering itself
We usually wait for around 10-12 minutes at the location above before heading into Stourbridge Common. To join us if you are running late, walk straight into the Common, keep straight as you pass a children's playground to your right and as you enter the open fields down a wide dirt track, look to your left for a group of trees. Hopefully, you won't miss us! After we finish our ceremony, we will head over to a local pub to continue the libations and conversations.
First time with us?
If you have never attended or taken part in a pagan/druidic/OBOD ceremony, worry not! Our ceremonies are flexible, open to whatever you would like to contribute and are proudly inclusive of all identities. There are simple ceremony roles to have a go at, with pre-prepared lines to read out, but there is no obligation whatsoever to do so. If you'd like to have an idea of what's involved, please get in touch with us.
Preparation for the day
All registered attendees will be sent a link to the ritual script booklet online as well as a preparation coversheet containing details of what to prepare/bring a week before the event. Key ritual items will be brought for the ceremony, though all are welcome to lay any personal items in the altar space we create.
Please do print your own booklet for the day, especially if you have a speaking role in the ceremony or if you would like to read along with us. This is not essential as you are welcome to come and simply soak up the words and actions performed by others. A 'herald' at each ceremony will lead the ceremony and ensure everything runs smoothly.
We are mindful of the weather and dress appropriately, bringing water, a hat, suntan cream, coat and waterproofs, etc. Come rain or shine, hail or snow, we will meet!
After the ceremony
Gifts of music, poetry, singing and readings for a small eisteddfod held after most of our ceremonies are always most welcome and there will be an opportunity to sign up for any offering of creativity you would like to share, if desired, once the ritual script link has been circulated. Again, there is no requirement for you to take part: there is just a general 'ask' that we all support these bards as they share their talent and inspiration by us giving them our full attention.
We may head to a nearby pub - The Green Dragon - after the ceremony and any eisteddfod offerings.
To register to attend this event and receive an online copy of the ritual 'script' booklet (when finalised) with details of what to prepare and bring on the day, please email us by Wednesday 25th October.
Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date with this and future events and please do get in contact if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you for our third and final harvest celebration of the year,
Corr réisc Grove.
Wow! to hear talk of 'the elements' and see these photos makes me feel like i am coming home.......i look forward to be being amongst the trees, touching the earth, Grounding......