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The Grove Blog

The Sun's Height: Alban Hefin (Summer Solstice) rite 2024

As the sun reaches its zenith for Alban Hefin, join us for a meditative ceremony and picnic in a new location.

Sunday 23rd June 2024, 11:00 - 13:00

About Alban Hefin

The Summer Solstice is the time of maximum light – when the countryside around us revels in colourful and fragrant splendour. This time is known in the Druid tradition as that of Alban Hefin – ‘The Light of Summer’ or ‘The Light of the Shore’... At Alban Hefin, the spiral of the year has expanded to its widest point and now the hours of light are as long as they will ever be (from the OBOD website).

Alban Hefin is the Druid celebration of the Summer Solstice, when the sun brings the longest day and shortest night of the year, the high point of Summer. It is a time for rejoicing in the warmth and light, for breathing in the Summer air, and for joining together in community and fellowship.

Details for the day

We will have warm introductions by the meeting place trees (see below) as everyone gathers before processing silently together around the base of Little Trees Hill, finishing at its summit; the neolithic bowl barrow. The sacred Grove is next to the Barrow. The Grove is shady but please bring appropriate protection for all elements! After the Ceremony everyone is welcome to join in a Summer picnic.

Please bring veggie food to share.


Gather in Magog Down car park (not the Wandlebury carpark) by the trees near the noticeboard/pay machines. CB22 5BQ:

Picnic feast

If you feel that you could contribute in some way towards the following, as a participant on the day. it would be greatly appreciated:

  • Food: prepared at home or purchased (with an awareness of allergies and appropriately labelled for vegetarians, pescatarians and vegans);

  • Drink: prepared at home or purchased (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic; labelled)

  • Napkins, cups, cutlery.

  • Rugs or picnic blankets

There is no requirement to bring anything or to take part in having something to eat and/or drink; anyone is welcome to simply bring their own food and/or drink to consume themselves, too.


An Eisteddfod will be included in the ceremony but we may have spontaneous creative offerings at the picnic immediately afterwards.

There is no requirement for you to perform: we do just ask for all attending that, together, we support these bards with our attention and applause as they share their talent and inspiration with us.

First time with us?

If you have never attended or taken part in a pagan/druidic/OBOD ceremony, worry not! Our ceremonies are flexible, open to whatever you would like to contribute and inclusive of all identities. There are simple ceremony roles to have a go at, with pre-prepared lines to read out, but there is no obligation whatsoever to do so. If you'd like to have an idea of what's involved, please get in touch with us.


All registered attendees will be sent a link to the ritual script online, with details of what to prepare/bring, a few days before the event. We will usually bring key items for the ceremony, as well as paper copies of the rite, that can be read from on the day.

We are mindful of the weather and dress appropriately, bringing water, a hat, suntan cream, coat and waterproofs, etc. Come rain or shine, hail or snow, we will meet!

Keep in touch

Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date with this and future events and please do get in contact if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you to celebrate Alban Hefin,

Corr réisc Grove.



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