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The Grove Blog

Alban Hefin Sunday 20 June

Join us for our celebration of Alban Hefin, the Summer Solstice!

Field of wheat in the sun

10:30-12:00 BST Sunday 20 June

About Alban Hefin

The Summer Solstice is the time of maximum light – when the countryside around us revels in colourful and fragrant splendour. This time is known in the Druid tradition as that of Alban Hefin – ‘The Light of Summer’ or ‘The Light of the Shore’...At Alban Hefin the spiral of the year has expanded to its widest point and now the hours of light are as long as they will ever be. (from the OBOD website)

Alban Hefin is the Druid celebration of the Summer Solstice, when the sun brings the longest day and shortest night of the year, the high point of Summer. It is a time for rejoicing in the warmth and light, for breathing in the Summer air, and for joining together in community and fellowship.

Save the date and join us for our ceremony to celebrate this festival!

This ritual is planned to be in-person, outdoors, in accordance with the UK government guidelines around Covid-19 safety.

So that we are able to manage numbers, booking is required for this event.

Please see our page on Covid-19 Safety Measures for details.

If anything changes, we will update you as soon as possible here on this site and on Eventbrite.

When you book, you will be given further information about where we will be meeting in Cambridge (U.K.) for the ritual, as well as a link to the ritual script with information about roles that are up for grabs. The script includes a list of any items that you may need to bring with you as well as giving you the chance to print off a copy to bring with you on the day.

If you have any questions about in-person outdoor gatherings, safety, accessibility or particular requirements, please contact us via our contact form or by email at:

For those unable to attend an in-person gathering, the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids (OBOD) are hosting an online Alban Hefin ritual on 19 June 3:30 UTC (4:30 BST), which you can access via their Facebook and YouTube channels.

Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date with this and future activities!

We look forward to seeing you for our Alban Hefin celebration!

Corr réisc Grove /|\



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